
The Early Life of Becky Bexley The Child Genius

The Early Life of Becky Bexley The Child Genius by Diana Holbourn
Genre:- Children's comedy/magical/realism
Age:- 7-10 Years (roughly)
Blurb:- It can be frustrating being a chid genius. Grown-ups are always telling kids what to do and what to think - but it's harder with Becky Bexley! Unbelievable things happen in this funny story! She can talk from the moment she's born! Her mum thinks she's going crazy when she hears her! And Becky has sooo many questions - for the doctor, the priest and her poor mum! And she has one or two suggestions as well....but will they listen?
The Early Life of Becky Bexley the Child Genius is a fun and comical story about what it's like to be a kid in a grown-up world, and why children's voices should always be heard.
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