
The Notekeeper by Hannah Treave
Genre:- Contemporary Fiction
Pages:- 374
Publisher:- Canelo
Blurb:- Following a tragedy, Zoe flees Australia and makes a life for herself in the UK. Two years later, working as a care nurse in Bath and knowing just how much comfort last words can bring, Zoe has taken it upon herself to become a notekeeper - writing down the final thoughts of her patients and delivering them to their loved ones.
 Zoe's new boss, Ben, isn't happy about her getting so involved in the patients lives. Even as they clash, they both begin to realize that facing one's past is the only way to move on. But life is never straightforward, especially for Zoe. In finally opening up her heart after all these years  is she about to have it broken all over again?
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My Review:- This is a story that will have you reaching for your tissues. After finding comfort in some thing as small as a piece of paper with the words 'I just want to be a cowboy', Zoe knew she had to do the same to help others. Everyone knew how important these small notes were for the patients and the families that were left behind. When the hospice she works in is taken over would she still be able to help others with her notes or would she have to stop.

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