
This Isn't Working

This Isn't Working
By Catherine Altman Morgan
Genre:- nonfiction/self-help
Publisher:- Indigo River Publishing
Blurb:- The Great Resignation, the Great Reshuffling, and Quiet Quilting - clearly something is not right at work. Rates of stress, anxiety, and depression were skyrocketing before the Covid-19 pandemic. Tied to their smartphone 24/7, many people were overworking, measuring their self-worth and value by how busy they were. They compared their lives to the filtered lives of peers on social media. They worked in corporate cultures that didn't support employees, and they undervalued the importance of their own mental and physical health. 
 During the pandemic's height in 2020, many people were forced to stay at home. Some found themselves without a job at all; others had to learn to do their jobs remotely. It was during this "down time" that many people realized that busyness, overworking, overconsumption, avoidance, and numbing weren't helping. In fact, it was batshit crazy.
 In This Isn't Working! Evolving the Way we Work to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, career transition expert Catherine Altman Morgan, explains why, we shouldn't be striving to get back to "normal," because normal wasn't all that great. Instead, we need to EVOLVE.
 Through her company, Point A to Point B Transitions Inc. Catherine has worked with many clients who suffer with physical and mental health issues caused by work-related stress. In this book she offers techniques and strategies to rethink how we live and work and start feeling better almost immediately.
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My Review:- I thought I would see if this book would help with my mental and physical help, and I was surprised with what I read. I did like the Strategies and Tools That work Wonders and Putting It Back Together. It's amazing how many of us would not let someone talk down or speak rudely to someone we love but we don't think the same when it comes to ourselves. This book will make you look at things differently.

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