
Cricket Helps Out: Understanding Appendicitis (Helping Paws Academy)

Cricket Helps Out: Understanding Appendicitis (Helping Paws Academy)
By Pat McCaw .M.D
Illustrated By Beth Hughes
Genre:-Children's 8-12 years
Publisher:-Mayo Clinic Press
Blurb:-This inviting chapter book series explores health topics through the friendly lens of therapy dogs. Follow an adorable therapy dog helping a child through appendicitis, with strong messages of empathy, kindness, and courage. Therapy dogs are specially trained to help kids through medical experience-from lifting spirits, motivating movement, modeling the power of play, and more. Nonfiction back matter provides more information about medical topics introduced in the books, from acute to chronic issues, while also proving more information about therapy dog programs and the Mayo Clinic Children's Center.
Mayo Clinic Press Kids creates empowering health and wellness content in partnership with pediatric experts. Proceeds from the sale of every book go to benefit important medical research and education at Mayo Clinic
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Instagram:-@patmccawauthor @Mayoclinicpress @lovebookstours @paulalearmouth #LBTCrew
Twitter:-@MccawPat @KellyALacey @lovebookstours @mamof9 #LBTCrew
My Review:-In this book we meet Cricket and Tunde, Cricket's handler. The book starts by getting to know Cricket before she has to go to hospital where she helps others. In this book we meet Maddie and her stuffed rabbit, Maddie has pain in her belly, it's her appendix that is the problem. Cricket cuddles into her and Maddie pulls Cricket closer. Tunde explains to Maddie what appendix do and why she has the pain. Maddie is really worried but Tunde tells her she will be asleep when the doctors are taken her appendix out. Maddie learns though the help of Cricket what everything is around her and what will happen. Cricket also gets to meet Sam, who needs a CT scan.
I love all the Helping Paw books and I think they would be a big help in both hospitals and schools, as they explain things in a simple and fun way, and of course they all have a cute dog to help.

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