
Ronnie Hood

Ronnie Hood
By Henry Sowter
Illustrated By Sarah-Leigh Wills
Genre:-Children's Book
Age:-3-8 years
Publisher:-Majeeko Books
Blurb:-Everyone knows Robin Hood-the hotshot with his bow, but he had a litter brother which, perhaps, you didn't know. Whilst Robin was the wonder kid with skill and charm and looks,  his quiet brother Ronnie, liked science, maths and books.
 Everybody knows about the folklore hero Robin Hood, but this book shines a light on Robin's (up-until-now) unknown little brother, Ronnie, and the important role he played in this classic.
 Robin and Ronnie couldn't be more different, but they love each other to bits and want each other to succeed. If only they could find a way to combine their talents and become an unstoppable team?...
This book was written to help children embrace their differences and to encourage them to play to their own strengths instead of always comparing themselves to others and feeling inadequate or insecure. It's about sibling love, friendship, rivalry and teamwork.
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My Review:-My granddaughter Emily and I decided to read this book as one of her bedtime stories. This is Emily's review:-I didn't know that Robin Hood had a little brother, Ronnie. Ronnie is very good at things to do with maths, I've been doing angles at school and it's not easy. I liked how Ronnie helped his big brother to win and get the highest score for the school, because he made him a really good bow and arrows. Just because they are brothers doesn't mean you've got to like the same things because we are all different. the story rhymed which I liked, it made it fun to read. Me and my Nana liked talking about the pictures that's in the book.

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