
The Baby I Stole

The Baby I Stole
By McGarvey
Genre:-Psychological Thriller
Publisher:-Joffe Books
Blurb:-My husband and I are desperate for a baby.
 So I stole one.
All my adult life, I've longed for a baby. We tried IVF. We tried everything. Now we're waiting to adopt. We have a beautiful home and all the love in the world to give a child.
 But we're told it will take years.
Then one day, at Rocky Point Beach, one thing leads to another. I make a split-second decision-and I come home with a baby. His name is Liam. He has tiny red bow lips and the chubbiest cheeks. He's gorgeous. I call him Jonah.
 Now what happens when my husband gets home?
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My Review:-If all you've ever wanted is a baby and tried everything you can, would you be tempted to steal a baby?  Toni had been through so much and all she's is told was 'Sorry, you'll have to wait'. Toni can't imagine life without a baby, it's all she's ever wanted growing up and it's the only thing that's missing from her life. At Rocky Point Beach Toni sees a baby that she can see being hers, even though he's not. It's not long before Toni is back home where she feels safe, but she's not alone, along with her is the baby from the Rocky Point Beach. What will she do?, What will her husband say when he gets home? Where is the baby's mother and what is she think? 
 This is a fast pace book that will keep you reading till the end. Even though I knew what was coming most of the time, I didn't see what the end had instore for me.

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Zooloo's Book Diary said...

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