
Girl Unmasked

Girl Unmasked: How Uncovering My Autism Saved My Life
By Emily Katy
Genre:-Non Fiction/Memoir/Coping with illness & specific conditions/Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Publisher:-Octopus Books
Blurb:- A powerful new memoir by a brilliant new voice-on what it's like living as a troubled teenager with undiagnosed autism.
 To the outside world, Emily looks like a typical girl, with a normal family, living an ordinary life. But inside, Emily does not feel typical, and the older she gets, the more she realises that she is different. As she finally discovers when she is 16, Emily is autistic. Girl Unmasked is the extraordinary story of how she got there-and how she very nearly didn't. Still only 21, Emily writes with starting candour about the years leading up to her diagnosis. How books and imagination became her refuge as she sought to escape the increasing anxiety and unbearable stresses of school life: how her OCD almost destroyed her, how a system which did not understand autism let her down; and how she came so close to the edge that she and her family thought she would never survive. In this simple but powerful memoir, we see how family and friends became her lifeline and how, post-diagnosis, Emily came to understand her authentic self and begin to turn her life around, eventually becoming a mental health nurse with a desire to help others where she herself had once been failed. Ultimately uplifting, Girl Unmasked is a remarkable insight into what it can be like to be autistic-and shows us that through understanding and embracing difference we can all find ways to thrive.
Thank you #AD #Gifted #FreeHonestReview @randomthingstours
Instagram:-@itsemilykaty @octopus_books @randomthingstours @paulalearmouth    
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My Reviews:-This book is so incredible. Not many people understand what being autistic is like, for both the parent/carer/partner of the person themself. This book helps you understand the world an autistic person lives in. We are taken on a journey with Emily and the experiences she has had to go through. Emily has wrote this book as it is for her and also others like her. I've worked with autistic children and young adults and no two of them are the same. Thank you Emily for sharing your world with us

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