
Dear Lottie

Dear Lottie
By Mel Higgins
Blurb:-Three Decades,
Two Hearts,
One wish...to be together.
Lottie used to be a dreamer, but never did she see herself as a housewife to a controlling husband.
 When Lottie's Nan unexpectedly passed away in the late 50s, her dreams died alongside her. Blinded by grief, her actions changed the course of her life and that of Henry Hollister, her first love.
 With Henry haunting her dreams and a burden of regrets, Lottie and Henry wish for nothing more than to turn back the clock to a time of innocence. A time when no one was in the way to stop their plans.
 Is it ever too late to follow your dreams?
 Is it ever too late to be with the one you truly love?
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My Review:-We follow Lottie through her diary entries. We have the dates, but they don't all follow day by day, sometimes there are big jumps months or years. Lottie started her journey when she was a teen to when she's a grown woman with children. Lottie's life hasn't been easy but I did think at times she didn't help herself and made things worse. I found Lottie someone I disliked but also liked and did feel sorry for her, with some of the thing she had went through. I don't want to sat to much and spoil it for anyone. you'll understand more once you read it.

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