
Killing Me Softly

Killing Me Softly-The Comeback Trail Trilogy Book One
By Guy Hale
Publisher:-Whitefox Publishing
Blurb:-Killing Me Softly
In the town of Blackjack, Nevada, washed-up singer Jimmy Wayne is down on his luck, playing covers to a limited and uninterested audience in a third-rate casino. One morning he awakens to find that everything has changed. Not only has he accidentally murdered Wendy, his girlfriend, but he's also written the best song he's ever produced. Is it the act of killing that helps him create his finest work? And if it is, should he go for a full album? Wrestling for his desire for success, his grasp of morality and haunted by his past mistakes, Jimmy starts searching for the most terrible people he has ever known.
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Instagram:-@halewrites @randomthingstours @whitefox_publishing @paulalearmouth 
Twitter:-@HaleWrites @wearewhitefox @RandomTTours @mamof9 #bloodonthetracks
My Review:-This is Book One in 'The Comeback Trail Trilogy.'
Jimmy Wayne is a washed up singer. Wendy is his girlfriend. After a night drinking, Jimmy and Wendy head back to the hotel, where Jimmy ties Wendy up and kills her, but doesn't know this until he wakes in the morning and sees Wendy hanging in the wardrobe. That's not the only thing, Jimmy has wrote the best song of his life. He also realises that he real did love her. What will he do now?
 I love the characters, especially Wendy and Dave Parker, I would love to know more about David. I don't want to say to much about the story and spoil it for others, apart from saying 'I'm already reading Book Two'

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