
Virginia's Sisters

Virginia's Sisters
By 20+ Multiple authors: Virginia Woolf, Zelda Fitzgerald, Katherine Mansfield, Edith Wharton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Radclyffe Hall et al
Selected and Introduced by:-Gabi Reigh Ed. Cheryl Robson
Genre:-Poetry and Prose
Publisher:-Aurora Metro
Blurb:-A fascinating anthology of poetry and prose by leading feminist writes of the 20th century on the topic of women's freedom and the idea of the 'New Woman'. This international collection offers over 20 literary gems by favourite and newly rediscovered women writers.
 Selected and introduced by Gabi Reigh who gives context to the selected contributions from women writers who were expressing their hopes for freedom and autonomy during the early part of the twentieth century.
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Twitter:-@gabi1981 @cherob15 @aurorametro @KellyALacey @lovebookstours @mamof9
My Review:-I haven't read to many Anthologies, but the ones I have read, I've enjoyed. Here we have a selection that have been translated into English for the first time, from all over the world. We have women from Ukraine, Sardinia, China, Chile, Egypt and far afield.  We also have some from well known American and English authors...Virginia Woolf, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Katherine Mansfield, Zelda Fitzgerald...The book has something for everyone, short stories, poems and essays. At the back of the book you can read a little bit about each author, they is also a section About the Translators. I loved how you can pick up, read a few pages and put back down. I did like 'Coming Home' by Maria Messina and 'Broken' by Nataliya Kobrynska.

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