
Miracle Number Four

Miracle Number Four
By Paul Marriner
Blurb:-A song of the suburbs: a story of family, friends, first love, tragedy, hope and rock and roll.
 It's 1976 and with dreams of a career in rock, a crush on the prettiest girl in town, and a mother in remission from cancer, Mike's future looks bright.
 Music brings excitement and a chance to shine, but life off-stage is complicated.
 Together with family, friends and band-mates, Mike finds joys, sadness and loss. Troubling secrets surface while a new friend brings both fresh perspectives and a cruel reality. The radios and pubs blast rock into the suburban nights and the band prepare for their big break. Is Mike ready?
 A warm, thoughtful, questioning novel; a reminder of simpler days, complicated emotions and music of a generation.
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Instagram:-@marriner66 @lovebookstours @paulalearmouth #LBTCrew #Bookstagram
Twitter:-@marriner_p @KellyALacey @lovebookstours @mamof9 #LBTCrew #BookTwitter 
My Review:-It's 1970s in London and we follow the life of Mike, who is 16-years-old. he's the baby (baby Mikey) of the family. Family life has been easy with his mother in remission from cancer. Mike wants to make his own way in life.  His sister Susan is in a band and her boyfriend Bazzer gives Mike guitar lessons. As we read the book we meet family and friends, we learn all about Mike, his relationship, his character, his first hair cut, booze, weed and how he moves through his life. Each character has their own story, and we meet them as the book moves on. Music is a big part of the story which I did like and reading it did bring back things for my life growing up through 70s and 80s. Will Mike get the break he needs?
There is so much in this book, joy, love, sadness, death, humour, happiness and more. Will Mike make it?
I would recommend this to anyone that grow up in 70s and 80s, it will bring back so my memories.

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