
Killing The Girl

Killing The Girl
By Elizabeth Hill
Genre:-Psychological Thriller
Blurb:-Enter a world of intrigue and suspense with Killing The Girl.
This dark and gripping domestic noir follows Carol as she revisits the past to justify murdering her lover, Frankie.
Uncover secrets of lies and infidelity as you join Carol on a journey to reveal the truth and seek revenge on those who betrayed her.
If you love dark thrillers, then Killing The Girl is perfect for you!
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My Review:-The story is told in two timelines. When Carol meet Frankie she was in her teens, Frankie was a few years older than her. Frankie would buy her gifts and within time they married, even after Frankie's aunt did try and warn her off. Was Carol the only one for Frankie?
Carol lived in Oaktree House, once owned by Frankie's mother but she inherited and she lived a quiet life. But when she was told her land and house was going to be demolished, she was worried as she knew they would find what she's been hidden for years.
There is so much going on in this storyline, there is envy, obsessions, secrets and many twists as you turn the pages. 

1 comment:

Zooloo's Book Diary said...

Thank you so much for supporting the tour and for sharing your review x