
The Crinkle Crankle Wall

The Crinkle Crankle Wall: Our First Year in Andelusia
By Sabina Ostrowska
Genre:-Non Fiction/Travel Biography
Blurb:-After years of dreaming of living close to nature, free from a daily commute and noisy neighbours, Sabina and Robert decide to travel from Abu Dhabi to Spain in search of their dream home. As soon as they drive across Andalusia, they fall in love with its rugged beauty, whitewashed villages, red geraniums, giant aloes, and endless olive trees. Enchanted with the place, they buy a little stone cottage in a mountain valley in the middle of nowhere and decide to reform it into a guest house. With little foresight or planning, they exchange cushy expat lives for a life in the sun.
 Quite quickly, however, they find themselves battling cowboy builders, no electricity, a dry well, torrential rain storms, and freezing cold winters. Through all these adventures, they develop relations with their neighbours who have lived in the valley for many generations. As they begin to settle in, financial problems confront our somewhat naive couple, and their idea of the good life starts to fall apart. Written with a wry sense of honest humour, this story is filled with twists and turns that take the reader on a journey from a life where every day was monotonously repetitive to a place where every day presents a new challenge.
A perfect read for the fans of Driving Over Lemons, Under the Tuscan Sun and A Year in Provence.
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My Review:-Sabina and her husband Robert had lived and taught in the UAE for 7 years before deciding to move to Andelusia, Spain.  They started looking for somewhere in 2012, even though they hadn't been to Andelusia, this is where they decided to look. I loved about the renovations and how they watched YouTube for help, (I think we've all used YouTube for help). I loved Sabina and the way she tells the story, she made me laugh so many times.
This is an easy read and a lot of you will beable to relate with parts of the book. Can't wait to read Book 2

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