
What Football Job Can You Do?

What Football Job Can You Do?
By Emma Juhasz
Blurb:-Give it a go to be pro, but just so you know...1% of children who train in club academies become professional footballers. What Football Job Can You Do? won't make children give up on the dream of being a professional football player, but it will introduce them to the world of opportunities and careers that exist in the football industry. There are many jobs that they may not know about, such as scout, nutritionist, sports designer, and sports scientists-to name a few. The book is filled with short, essential career information, fun facts, and games. The diverse range of people and abilities in the book, show all children that they can do anything they want in the future, whatever their talents. The book is endorsed by industry professional.
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My Review:-The cover is simple and colourful, which will appeal to children. It was interesting to read about disabled team football, as a wheelchair user I didn't know about powerchair football. I also didn't know about different size footballs depending on the age of the teams.
 I loved the way the book is set out and meeting the "Team" and what their jobs were in football. Learning Football Facts, the Rules, Country Competitions, football technology.
I loved the "Activity" A Game of Two Halves! showing games you can do and even how to make a football table. This is a great book for all footballers and anyone that just wants to know a but about football.

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