
Bliss Road

Bliss Road
By Martha Engber
Publisher:- Vine Leaves Press
Blurb:- BLISS ROAD is the story of a neurotypical daughter of an undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder parent. Sometimes funny, often devastating, Martha Engber's honest and moving memoir illuminates the parent-child challenge presented by a neurological condition that affects over 75 million people worldwide.
 A hybrid of poetry and essays, Ms. Engber uses personal anecdotes, coupled with historical research and current statistics, to explain the emergence of autism over the last hundred years. She includes the birth of Asperger's, or high-functioning autism, as a formal diagnosis in 1994, the year her young nephew's condition was determined.
 After describing the psychological, emotional and social challenges she faced as a child, then as an adult and parent, she explains the method by which she changed her thinking and behaviour to both celebrate her parents and heal. She ends by encouraging others to chase down the source of their family angst to reach a more blissful future.
 A fascinating and encouraging journey of discovering the seemingly undiscoverable, Bliss Road combines the intimacy and warmth of Tuesday With Morrie and the empowerment demonstrated by Shonda Rhimes in Year of Yes!
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Instagram:-@marthaengber @vine_leaves_press @lovebookstours @paulalearmouth #LBTCrew
Twitter:-@MarthaEngber @VineLeavesPress @lovebookstours @mamof9 #LBTCrew
My Review:-One day you think you have no worries and by answering a phone call everything goes upside down. Martha get's a phone call, her sister is ringing to tell her that Brian her nephew has been diagnosed  with Asperger Syndrome. Martha is wondering if this is hereditary?  Could this be why  her dad's  behaviour is erratic. Being someone that has work with young and older children with ASD and other needs, I found this very interesting to read. Things have moved on since 1990s but I don't think peoples reactions have, you still get looks.

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