
Realms of My Soul

Realms of My Soul: A Forgotten Dream Book 1
By Lali A. Love
Genre:- Poetry
Blurb:-Realms of My Soul is an introspective poetry series that delves into the author's innermost thoughts and emotions over five decades. Through the power of verse and rhyme, the author shares her most profound and heartfelt moments, exploring the beauty, pain, and triumphs of life. Each poem captures a unique snapshot in time, drawing the reader in with its emotive language and vivid imagery.
 From love to self-discovery and personal growth, this collection of poems is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. the author's words will resonate deeply with readers, touching on relatable universal themes such as anxiety, overcoming adversity, invisible disabilities and transformation.
 A Forgotten Dream delves into the author's childhood wounds and how the desire to please others affected her inner child,  weaving her mental health chrysalis, serving as a metaphor for the human condition. The first book explores this complex theme with sensitivity and grace.
Book 1 Links (Amazon, Goodreads etc.):
Website: https//authorlalialove.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19274711.Lali_A_Love?ref=nav_profile_1
Amazom: Will be sent when available

Realms of My Soul II: A Liberating Path-Book 2
Blurb:-Join the author on a journey of self-discovery and healing through the pages of Realms of My Soul. This series is a testament to the power of poetry and the resilience of the human spirit, incorporating compelling haiku, sonnets, ballads, free verse poetry and prose that examines the author's nature of emotional growth within the human condition.
 A Liberating Path explores the cocooning period with neurodivergent wings. It is a poetic healing process and nurturing of the inner child with self-realization, through the author's neurodivergent perspectives and life lessons
Book 2 Links (Amazon, Goodreads etc.):
Website: https://authorlalialove.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19274711.Lali_A_Love?ref=nav_profile_1
Amazon: Will be sent when available

Realms of My Soul III: A Golden Gift-Book 3
Blurb:-Realms of My Soul III is a breathtaking trilogy of  poetry and prose that explores the author's emotional growth within the human condition through compelling haiku, sonnets, ballads, and free verse.
 A Golden Gift inspires the reader to embrace their inner mastery and potential. Through metamorphosis, the author illustrates the transformative power of vulnerability and self-discovery as she transforms her reality in harmony. This series is a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to overcome adversity and find their true purpose in life.
Book 3 Links (Amazon, Goodreads etc.):
Website: https://authorlalialove.com/

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