
Fathoms Above

Fathoms Above (Star-Crossed #2)
By Lara Holt
Genre:-YA Fantasy/Dark Fantasy
Blurb:-Cather Stevens is the many time's great granddaughter of Thisbe, the original Juliet, whose determination to be with her true love Pyramus caused a star crossed curse to be cast over all the women in her family. This curse, created by Zeus, King of the goods, has lasted for centuries, and has doomed more men than Cather can count, including her own father, to early graves. Only Cather possesses the ability to break it, and with the help of Hermes, the Book Keeper and messenger of the gods, that is what she intends to do. The gods don't make anything easy, though, especially when a mortal dares to challenge divine. Soon, Cather finds herself pitted in a face against time against Athena, the goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy, who will stop at nothing to prevent Cather and Hermes from reaching their destination: Salem, Massachusetts, where Pete Gains, the last living descendant of Pyramus's bloodline, lives. Because of his ancestor's tie to Thisbe, a marriage to Peter will help Cather end her family's curse once and for all. But can she love a mortal boy, or will the shattered pieces of her soul forever belong to Hermes?
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