
Me Power

Me Power
By LaNysha T. Adams
Publisher:-New Degree Press
Blurb:-"Who do you want to be?"
 We've all heard or asked this question before, yet few of us answer it because identity is not fixed, but ever-expanding as we move through life.
 Dr LaNysha Tufuga Adams, Ivy-League educated linguist and founder of award-winning education consultancy Edlinguist Solutions, redefines "empowerment" and challenges others to not only answer(s)' into action.
 Me Power redefines empowerment, encouraging us to tap into our limitless flow of possibility while connecting with others. No matter the barriers, Me Power pushes us to activate the best of who we are and dismiss the possibility that power is something we can authorize, give away, or take from others.
 Embracing this book is the first step to activating your Me Power.
 So what are you waiting for?
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My Review:-I love how this book is set out into sections, dip in and dip out at your pace. If you're not happy with something or don't remember you can always go back to the section and read it again. It is a book that will help you through your life changes.
This book will show you how to learn from your own mistakes and work through the obstacles that are in your way. You will learn what your own strengths are and how you can act on them. There is so much in this book, it will give you advice, exercises and antidotes throughout the book. You will get to know the real "YOU" better and what is best for "YOU"

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