
Foxe and the Path Into Darkness

Foxe and the Path Into Darkness (An Ashmole Foxe Georgian Mystery)
By William Savage
Genre:-Historical Crime Fiction
Blurb:-When the mayor of Norwich disappears without a trace roughly half-way through his term of office, the entire city government is thrown into chaos. Every thought turns to Mr Foxe, who is told to make finding the mayor his single priority. Nothing must stand in the way of achieving that goal. Nothing.
 Foxe, listless and bored, has not had a mystery worthy of his attention for several months. He's also still hurting from Lady Cockerton's treatment of him. Even his oddly platonic friendship with Mrs Danson must end in two days, when she finally leaves Norwich for good. Perhaps a mystery will put some life back into him?
 Before he can even begin, an expected encounter in Alderman Halloran's hallway turns Foxe's life upside down, so that for three days of confusion and anguish he can do nothing but struggle with an overwhelming crisis in his own life. The search for the mayor is forgotten.
 At length, with help from an unexpected source, Foxe sets out doggedly on the trail of the missing man. He soon finds he must unravel a complex and unexpected tangle of events to get anywhere. Blocked and frustrated many times, he finally reveals the slow descent into darkness and an inevitable fate that lies behind what seemed a simple puzzle.
 All the time, he is still struggling with a problem that threatens to wreck his entire future. Just as he sees a path ahead that offers the possibility of undreamed-of joy and happiness he finds he may well have managed to block it completely before he can even set out. Can he find his way through this tangle as well?
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My Review:-A Georgian mystery with Ashmole Foxe, the man they all call to solve the murders and the mysteries that goes on in Norwich. I have been asked to review this book and I'm only to happy as I feel like Foxe has become one of my favourite people in the series. It's St George's Day and a holiday for the people of Norwich. This is the day for the Mayor to be welcomed to the city, and that means it's  Alderman Robert Belton time to be Mayor. The Mayor was awarded to the senior Alderman in the office and that is Belton. Belton thought he had many years a head of him before he would become Mayor, but with the sudden death of more senior Alderman it fell to him to step up and be Mayor now. We still have Foxe's love life to watch out for along the way.

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